our logo
Our symbol represents the myriad of simultaneous encrypted connections that Token Tree generates to make payments safer and faster.
The colours were inspired by printed circuit boards, with its intense green base and the yellowish copper.
We use a simple, clean and thin - yet with excellent readability - typeface for our name, in lowercase, to show contemporaneity and accessibility. Divided in two lines, to balance the proportions.
Find the right file format for your needs:
JPG: Joint Photographic Expert Group
Usage: Web / Screens
Details: Compressed image file for web and screens
PNG: Portable Network Graphics
Usage: Web / Screens
Details: Transparent background file for web and screens
SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
Usage: Animations / Interactivity
Details: Editable vector-based two-dimensional image
PDF: portable document format
Usage: Share / Print
Details: Closed document for sharing or printing
EPS: Encapsulated Postscript
Usage: Print / Physical
Details: Hybrid file for high-resolution purposes
AI: Adobe Illustrator
Usage: edition / manipulation / alteration
Details: for professional intervention on the original file
